Canadian Immigration and Work Permit for Caregivers

Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant Based In Mississauga, Canada & Vadodara, India

Are individuals who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly persons, or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision. Both the employer and the employee must follow several steps to meet the requirements.

Caregivers can care for children, seniors, or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision. They are required to live in private homes, considering their work in Canada. It allows applicants to stay and work in Canada with a resident family for up to 4 years and three months. It also permits the applicants to apply for permanent residence after operating for two years in Canada.

Three new immigration programs for foreign caregivers who want to work in Canada

  • Canada’s Live-In Caregiver Program (LCP) is for foreign nationals who want to be hired by a Canadian citizen as a caretaker or nanny for their kids or someone with disabilities in the home. This can allow them to get a direct pathway to permanent residence. After just two years of experience with the LCP work permit, foreign nationals can apply for permanent residence.
  • Home Child Care Provider: This is a 5-year pilot program that lets eligible caregivers and family members come to Canada to become permanent residents. Suppose you have been given a job in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver. You can opt for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot.
  • Home Support Worker Pilot: This pilot is developed to bring Home Support Workers to Canada on temporary work permits, with the power to apply for permanent residence after acquiring enough work experience. To be eligible, Applicants must have qualifying work experience as Home Support Workers and related occupations, excluding housekeepers.

How can we help?

The LCP application process can be very complicated, time-consuming and challenging. Therefore, if you are considering applying for Canadian Visas, you must get professional immigration assistance. The last thing you want is to be told your application is rejected after months or years of waiting. At Agate Immigration Solutions, we make applying for your visa easy. Using our accredited Immigration Consultants will enhance your chances of success in the visa application process and get an expert opinion based on your specific needs.

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